Sunday, April 13, 2008

A few dates to remember

Greetings! Yes, it is a blog for my nerdiness to live at. I will put up world 1-2 of Super Mario Brothers at some point. There will also most likely be some other random posting like laughing at sitting in an S-0rbital. But for now, you should mark your calendars!

14 March - Pi Day (try to eat your pie at 1:59)

25 May - Nerd Pride Day (so it started in Spain of all places, but I think that we have plenty of nerds around here, so let's try to get the word out)

25 May - Towel Day (Don't Panic)

The next square root day won't be till 3 March 09.

And finally for Mole day, which is altogether a rather troublesome day. It would seem that some places in the States celebrate on June 2. Other places in the States celebrate on October 23, so they can do school stuff with it. I hold that we should go with most of the rest of the world and celebrate on 6 February.

Now, should you have any questions or such on any of these, let me know.

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