Sunday, September 07, 2008

Set Back

So there has been some minor set backs to things. Yesterday when I tried to boot up my computer it died on me. Now granted it was about 7 years old and had been moved around a lot. It was running slow and I had wanted to get a new computer for a while now. So we set out to get a new computer.

Last night we brought it home and set it up. I was installing some stuff like firefox and office and shut it off for the night. Then I couldn't get it to load up again. If the power cord is attached the fans will run, but I can't get it to begin to boot up.

I went to the compaq website and ran through their trouble shooting options and have sent them an email to try to get more information about this. So right now I'm running off of my laptop.

I will get more stuff up when I can

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